There’s NOTHING out there like this. This is an incredibly unique winter riding series specifically structured to not only create a solid foundation of endurance and power (strength), but also building confidence in double pace line riding, safe rotations off the front and riding ‘as a group’ 100% of the time. This series attracts hammerheads all the way to beginners; we have a group for whatever speed level you ride.
Our 10-ride series is not based on distance for each ride; they're based on ride time. WHY? If you join a typical group ride, where the distance is the same for all speed groups, then the fastest group will finish first, generally chat afterwards and then pack up and leave; same goes for the remaining groups. In other words, the fast riders only interact withast riders….and so on. That’s not community; that’s exclusivity. The ONLY way to eliminate this scenario is base rides by time. This way, everyone leaves at the same time and everyone returns about the same time. Novelty idea but we’re VERY proud that this is how the Atlanta WBL operates.
The series starts at a food and brewery complex right off the Beltline. We’ve had over 250 riders a several rides and parking is NOT a problem. A coffee shop (open prior to ride start), indoor bathrooms, endless parking and incredible food/drink make our current ‘home’ the perfect location. Not enough? All series riders get 20% off food/drink at Wild heaven Brewery, but you have to FOLLOW’s blog to get the discount code.
The ONLY way to stay organized is by having riding rules that every rider adheres to. This way, there’s NO surprises and creates the exact riding experience every ride, for every rider. We also have trained Ride Leaders who ensure every group functions exactly the same and all riders are riding in a safe manner. Almost all group rides ride on the assumption everyone knows how to ‘correctly’ ride in a group but rarely does anyone take the time to create a repeatable environment with all the assumption is removed. THIS is our ride rules are critical and continues to draw well over 100 riders on any ride…and on several occasions, that number has been over 250. You just have to come experience this unique riding series.
Yes, we LOVE our new home but that comes with some ground rules; well, only one, to be exact. PARKING!!! All the businesses in the complex love to see us but we must not park in areas closest to the complex; that’s for their customers. If you plan to attend any of our rides, PLEASE make sure you park in the designated area in the image below. If we don’t get this right…at every ride, then we could wear out our welcome and be booted out.
Yes, this is a ride during the winter season so occasionally weather gets the best of us and we have to cancel a ride. The BEST way is to FOLLOW’s blog. If we have to cancel, you will get an automatic notification of a new post. Ride cancellation decisions are made no later than 10pm Friday, the night before a ride. If you get a notification around this time, odds are a ride is being cancelled.
It is absolute critical that a rider selects the correct group…for themselves. We know, it’s fun to ride with your friends but not at the expense of an entire group, so this selection has to be based on an individual rider’s ability. Here is how you choose a group, by (honestly) answering this question: What overall average speed can I ride in a group ride that is 35-45 miles long….and NOT flat? IF you need help with selecting the correct group, we can help you at the ride; just find a Ride Leader.
Group A: 20mph and higher
Group B: 17-18mph
Group C: 14-15mph
Group D: 10-12mph
<<NOTE>> These are NOT the actual average speeds we will be riding for every ride, but are listed for you to determine the correct Group to ride.
RIDING SERIES RULES (not all inclusive)
Please read the following rules very carefully. This riding series is a very structured, organized ride and is specifically designed to ride as a group. Habitual offenders and those unwilling to accept respectful correction are welcome to participate in other group rides. ALL riders are welcome but you are required to adhere to the rules below:
RIDE MEETINGS- ALL riders MUST attend Ride Meetings. We operate very differently from all other group rides. You cannot just show up and jump into a group and ride; you put yourself and other riders at risk. Ride Meetings start at 9:15a at every ride. Attendance is mandatory!!!
NO SPRINTING / SURGING- If you feel the need for speed, please find another ride. We all know it only takes one rider to blow off the front, for the group to get split up and/or dropped.
STEADY PACE- Our Ride Leaders are responsible for setting the overall speed for every group. When you are pulling at the front, you are expected to ride at the same “effort level” as our Ride Leaders when they are pulling on the front.
DOUBLE PACE LINE- Every group rides in a double pace line 100% of the time. Shoulder-to-shoulder with the rider next to you.
TRAFFIC LIGHTS- Running red lights is not allowed. If part of your group gets split by a changing light, those who make it through will pull off and wait for the remaining riders to catch back up. Soft pedaling NEVER works!!!
STOP SIGNS- We stop as a group. We start as a group.
STARTING FROM A STOP OR SLOWDOWN- Riders pulling on the front when a group has stopped or slowed down, should start back with a 18-wheeler in mind; slow and deliberate. This eliminates immediate gaps in a group caused by riders taking off like a sports car. Always think 18-wheeler…
ROTATING-. No one is allowed to pull longer than 5 minutes at a time. This allows ever rider the ability to pull (if they want to) and also experience properly rotating off the front.
MECHANICALS- If anyone experiences a mechanical, the entire group stops. We ride a a group. We stop as a group.
TRI-BIKES- ALL bicycles are welcome but if you ride a tri-bike, the ONLY times you are allowed to ride in the aero bars is: 1. when you are pulling, and 2. if you are off the back (min of 2 bike lengths).
EARBUDS- NO earbuds, etc are allowed during our rides.
RAILROAD CROSSINGS- We cross all railroad tracks at a perpendicular angle…on purpose. This is covered in more detail during Ride Meetings.
December 31st. 2hrs 40min
January 14th. 3 hrs
January 28th. 3hrs 20min
February 11th 3hrs 40min
February 25th. 4hrs
March 11th 4hrs 20min
March 25th. 4hrs 40min